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Taos Property Foundation

A non-profit supporting organization of the Taos Community Foundation

Want to make a gift of real property?

Taos Property Foundation (TPF) is prepared to help donors make give gifts of real estate and property. Your gift to TPF can be transitioned into an endowment fund that is invested over time. Earnings from an endowment fund are used to make grants to address community needs. Your gift – and all future earnings from your gift – can serve as a permanent source of community capital, helping to do good work today and forever.

Charitable gifts of real property can be made during your lifetime, with an immediate tax deduction, or as a planned gift through your will or estate plan. Gifts of real estate can include personal residences, vacation homes, rental property, farmland, and commercially developed land.

How it works:

1. You identify real estate property that you’d like to donate, and seek an appraisal that will help Taos Property Foundation establish its market value.

2. Due diligence is conducted by the board of Taos Property Foundation to ensure the viability of a sale.

3. Your gift of real property can be placed in an existing Taos Community Foundation Fund, or you can establish a new fund that aligns with your charitable goals. This fund can become a permanent endowment with a minimum initial contribution of $10,000 or more.*

4. Your gift will qualify for a tax deduction based on its full market value; you avoid the capital gains tax that would otherwise arise from the sale of the property.

5. Taos Property Foundation and Taos Community Foundation will handle all of the administrative details.

Whether you want to make a one-time gift, or become actively involved with grantmaking, we are here to help you fulfill your charitable goals.

If you are interested in making a charitable donation of real property, please contact 575-737-9300, or email info@taoscf.org to begin the process.

*See our fees and expenses page for more details on the types of endowment funds we offer.

Taos Property Foundation:

The Taos Property Foundation Inc. (formerly Taos Foundation for Property Gifts) is a 501(c)3 non-profit “supporting” organization, formed exclusively to receiving, holding and administering gifts or real or personal property, for the benefit of, or to carry out the charitable purposes of Taos Community Foundation.

Taos Property Foundation is a separate 501(c)3 organization governed by a Board of Directors separate from Taos Community Foundation.

The sole purpose of the Property Foundation is to be able to accept property gifts, liquidate the asset, and convert the proceeds into charitable funds, held by TCF. It may seem redundant to have two parallel Foundations, but this separation allows for the monetary assets of Taos Community Foundation to be protected from certain risks and liabilities inherent in real estate transactions.

The Property Foundation was established in 2010, and was re-invigorated in 2018, when longtime resident Clark Funk passed away and left his home to Taos Community Foundation.

Gifts of property are handled on a case-by-case basis. A rigorous due diligence process is conducted to ensure the property is viable, will not drain resources, and has potential for resale. The acceptance decision is held by the TPF governing Board of Directors.

The EIN number for Taos Property Foundation is 27-0998249. See our current board of directors and financial statements below.

The current Board of Directors for Taos Property Foundation is:

  • Jade Anaya
  • Jake Caldwell – Chair
  • Charlotte Jeantete – Treasurer
  • Angel Reyes – Vice Chair
  • Abby Sanger

Third-Party Transparency Resources:

Taos Property Foundation Inc. | Taos, NM | EIN: 27-0998249